Exam Preparation Convention
  The chilly spring has already arrived after the freezing, arid winter and the short yet joyous winter vacation. In the meantime, all teachers and students in Grade 12 from Anqing Foreign Language School officially entered the final home stretch. On the first day at the beginning of the new semester, they gathered together at the School Lecture Hall to convene the exam preparation convention designated for this year’s graduates. At the general meeting, Director Xu Zuitai in charge of Grade 12 initially issued a keynote speech in which he raised three proposals with regard to the test review for students in Grade 12.
  In the first place, students were supposed to have firm confidence and heroic feelings. As the saying goes, the wind sea crosscurrent, just showing the true colors of a hero. Facing the College Entrance Examination, students from Grade 12 must overcome the ideology of difficulty, self-abasement and negative emotions. Instead, they should establish the belief that as long as they study hard, they will definitely succeed.
  In the second place, Chinese Gaokao requires students’ strong willpower and perseverance. Considering that the College Entrance Exam not only tested students’ intelligence level, but also included the contest in comprehensive qualities such as the non-intellectual factors.
  In the third place, faced with Chinese Gaokao which influences their future and fate significantly, many students were in belligerent mood and felt anxious, which made them hard to concentrate in class. However, students need to possess the undaunted spirit to stroll idly so that they can take the tense situation calmly. Besides, on the one hand, students were supposed to leave behind their nervousness, anxiety, fear, uneasiness, pessimism and disappointment. On the other hand, students should face the challenges bravely with patience and attentiveness to fulfill their youthful dreams and aim high in life.
  To conclude, Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong made closing remarks and put forward some suggestions and requirements for all teachers and students from Grade 12. We firmly believe that Anqing Foreign Language School shall create new glories in the 2017 College Entrance Examination under the leadership of the Senior High Section.

